Board of Trustees

The GIPF subscribes to the principle that a well-governed pension fund should deliver sustainable value to its stakeholders. The Fund further upholds the high standards of governance through effective and ethical leadership. The Fund has also adopted sound risk management practices, strong internal controls, and high information technology governance standards. GIPF observes optimal regulatory compliance, stringent financial governance and responsible investment practices.

Penda Ithindi
Penda Ithindi
Evans Maswahu
Evans Maswahu
Vice Chairperson
Nillian Mulemi
Nillian Mulemi
Faniel Kisting
Faniel Kisting
Roswitha Gomachas
Roswitha Gomachas
Maria Dax
Maria Dax
Petrus Nevonga
Petrus Nevonga
Loide Shaanika
Loide Shaanika
Mihe Gaomab II
Mihe Gaomab II
Strategy oversight

The Board creates value by exercising oversight over the implementation of the strategic plan. Executive management makes quarterly implementation reports to the Board, while the organisation holds an annual strategy review. 

Trustees’ duties

The duties of the Trustees are to:

  • Manage, control and administer the Fund
  • Ensure that proper internal control systems are in place to mitigate significant risks
  • Establish a risk management framework and its review
  • Provide strategic and policy direction to the Fund
  • Receive regular management reports to monitor operational compliance
  • Propose amendments to the Rules of the Fund
  • Determine the investment policy, setting out investment guidelines and performance benchmarks in line with the policy framework
  • Establish and manage relationships with key stakeholders
Governance standards and principles

The Fund conforms to six fundamental governance standards and principles as provided for in the corporate governance framework: fairness, accountability, responsibility, transparency, competency and integrity. The GIPF believes that effective and ethical leadership is central to good governance, in line with the Corporate Governance Code for Namibia (NamCode) and the Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016 (King IV). This implies that GIPF’s leadership must deliver not only a seamless strategy but also ensure operational excellence, which it accomplishes by adhering to the following:

  • Providing direction to the organisation through clear strategy
  • Giving effect to that strategy through the development of appropriate policies
  • Providing oversight over management’s implementation of the strategy
  • Demonstrating accountability and transparency through full disclosure